

My name is Jennifer Hill-Flores.

My short stories and poetry have been published in San Antonio Review, Beyond Words Literary Magazine, Coastal Shelf Literary Journal, Cathexis Northwest Press, Wild Roof Journal, Flash Fiction MagazineFunicular Literary Magazine, Black Fox Literary Magazine, The Closed Eye Open, and Bridge Eight Literary Magazine.

I’ve been a featured storyteller and poet at Book Woman, Hearsay Poetry, Testify, Carry On: A Storyteller’s Showcase, The Living Room, and The Story Department in Austin, TX, where I am a senior writer for major tech companies. I’ve served as the editor-in-chief of Austin Family Magazine and have written news and feature pieces for Austin Woman Magazine, Austin Monthly, Moms.com, and BabyChick.com.

I’ve written two unproduced screenplays, countless poems and stories, and a novel. I’ve taught screenwriting, public relations, and social media workshops for the SXSW Film Conference, the Writers’ League of Texas Agents & Editors Conference, The Writing Barn, the Texas Conference for Women, the University of Texas Society for Cinema Studies Conference, and more.

I’ve worked as a story analyst in Los Angeles for various film companies and as a public relations pro and literary publicist for many years. I served as the PR Director for the Texas Book Festival and was on the founding advisory board for Texas Writers Month.

I earned my B.F.A. (cum laude) in Writing, Literature & Publishing from Emerson College in Boston, where I served as an editorial assistant for Ploughshares literary magazine. I am working toward a Master’s in Writing (Fiction) at Johns Hopkins University.

These days, I’m writing short stories and revising the novel mentioned above. I’m also a devoted open/cold water swimmer, an amateur textile artist, and a citizen naturalist.