When the World Falls Apart (Poem)

I’m honored to have been published in Coastal Shelf Literary Journal. They chose to use my poem, “When the World Falls Apart.”

A little more about Coastal Shelf:

“We like surprise here at Coastal Shelf. Not Shyamalanian twists or deus-ex-machinas, but surprises at every level of language. We like to laugh but don’t like groaners—usually. We are ok with scratching our heads a bit at the end of a piece as long as the ride is good. That said, a good “greater observation couched in a short narrative” piece can be a recipe for success, but mostly—surprise us! While we can certainly enjoy taboo subjects, they have to earn their opinion of the topic with splendid writing and ultimately, a reason to address those subjects. Shock for shock’s sake holds no interest to us. We currently pay $30 per piece, or $100 for a feature—the author’s payment rising with the more Pay-it-Forward submissions we receive. We happily accept simultaneous submissions providing you notify us in a timely manner if a piece is accepted elsewhere with a note in Submittable (and if the piece gets published online, send us a link at coastalshelfmagazine@gmail.com with the title “Ones That Got Away” and we’ll link it in that feature of our next issue!)—note, use the “Messages” tab and not the “Notes” tab or we won’t be able to see it.”

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